Driven by a specific goal, namely make possible for a boy with Down syndrome to conclude, with an internship, his training path at the school of tourism on the Asti’s hills, the chef Antonio De Benedetto, a former student of the Institute, welcomes Niccolò with enthusiasm in his restaurant. A few weeks of work were planned, today we can safely say that it was an internship with dubious results, perhaps without too many expectations. The environment surrounding Niccolò had a disruptive effect. Today that boy is the symbol of the Tacabanda restaurant, of a movement, of a process that is transforming the city of Asti and beyond. He has a regular permanent employment contract and acts as a tutor to the other boys. Niccolò’s internship lasts a few months, first in a restaurant and then in a hotel in Valtellina. The Asti Tourist Operators Consortium immediately believed in the project and two years later the boys increased, as well as the link with the hotel training center. The partnership leads to participation, as catering and hospitality operators, at the International Book Fair and the Salone del Gusto in Turin, at the Salone of Little Publishing and at the Monferrato Exprience in Rome; not only that, the boys open the marathons of Turin, Reggio Emilia and Treviso thanks to the collaboration that continues to this day with the “Ambassadors of sport of Asti”.
It is the beginning of a process bringing families from all over Italy to come to Asti to understand what is happening, other associations come closer to understand what is new. Due to the contamination in progress the work group grows: in addition to Egidio, who has always assisted his brother Antonio in the restaurant, other professionals in the sector, agri-food companies, bars, ice cream parlors, butchers, pizzerias, restaurants, spas and hotels that embrace the philosophy of the project helping to generate diversified training areas come over. The network generated over time is not limited to providing training opportunities but also welcoming children for short periods.
The training and autonomy-support model we adopt is the result of a participatory process involving professionals, the young participants in the training, and their families. The experimentation with educational practices and the constant observation of the participants have ensured that they are not only recipients of the model but also contributors to its creation and ongoing development through their valuable input. This generates mutual benefits for everyone involved in the method in various capacities. The direction of the project’s actions is also informed by theoretical studies, particularly the writings of Dr. Maria Montessori, which have served as a constant reference, providing guidance on the path to follow. The Association aims to develop an experimental, active, and dynamic pathway that fully enhances individuals' potential, laying the groundwork for them to find their own motivations to embark on a journey of personal growth.